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Living la Vida Loathing

Life in the Kingdom

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Chef-in-da-box, foo

Well, I was feeling pretty down today. Reflected on my robbing (someone figured out the combination lock on my house last week, broke in, stole all my stuff and made some nasty phone calls to my super-1337 DeeJay clan which resulted in me getting kicked out. Bummer) and thought about going into market-playing, but figured I don't have enough meat yet in case I make a boo-boo somewhere.
So, I went over to my current clan's Hall, looked at some of the magic books in the library. Kind of feel that I really learnt something new about pasta today through that. I was really only doing it to let the effects of that piece of candy I ate yesterday wear off. That thing was a killer. Hint for all you guys: skull = badness. Then I went over to Cobb's Knob, looking for one of those Chef's Hats, found one today, and it didn't take very long either. I stuck it on the skull with a gob of meat, then stuck it on a spring in a box and gave it my oven. I've stuck it at my campground, but since I'm doing this cooking job for my clan, it probably won't be long till it blows up again. I've still got a nasty bruise on my face from that explosion yesterday. And now I've got my new one to cook for me, I can give it all the nice new ingredients my clan gave me and let it be, saving me a shitload of time. Which I do.
I figure to make some moolah, I'll adventure me some at the old Tower I mentioned yesterday, searching for some brains. Braaains. Ya. Brains get a bunch of meat in the mall, 6 or 7 thousand odd, so it's an easy enough way to make thirty or forty grand a day. I managed to get one, then looked around for a bit more. I got kind of tired with that, so I went to the mall to stick it in my store.
I should probably explain something about the mall: it's huge. No, huger than tha. Huger than that, even. There's some kind of weird, L-Space thing going on here, because there's a long line of stores going for a couple of kilometres as far as you can see. Plus, there's a crazy-ass sideways elevator with no floor buttons. It has a keyboard instead, and you can type in an item you want, and the elevator takes you to a store with that item. To top off the weirdality, if you press a certain button on the wall of the store, then the next time you go to the mall that store will be at the very beginning. It's all very...shifty. That's shifty as in shift-y, meaning stuff shifts a lot, rather than shifty as in suspicious. People keep adding meat to their advertising budget as well, and that also moves stuff around. It's kind of disorienting. Very disorienting, actually, especially if you've never been there before.
After that, I was kind of tired, so I hopped in my meatcar and went South of The Border. The Border, by the way, is a big dotted line on the beach. It's kind of relaxing there. Good for getting low-grade, foreign chewing gum, and I got some tequila out of it as well. Awesomtastic.


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