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Living la Vida Loathing

Life in the Kingdom

Friday, June 03, 2005

Full of Spicy Goodness. Or possibly, "That's-a Spicy-a Meat-a-ball!"

About the title. It's not so much that I spent the day hunting for spices, as it is the first thing I did when I woke up this morning. 75 minutes odd spent in the sewer. Takes 5 minutes to trade items with the sewer gnomes. 15 spices. Not a heck of a lot. I just couldn't think of anything else for a title.
I went to Cobb's Knob and tried to snatch some chef's hats off of the barbecue-ers there. Those buggers are fast, I tell you, you could probably spend hours chasing one round, trying to grab his tongs or what have you. I did get one, in the end. Just the one, from almost 9 hours of adventuring. Still, I did get 12,00 meat on the market for it. Pretty awesomtastic. Trying to make back me money that got robbed. I got a bunch of chef's hats from some attentive people in my clan, but I daren't sell those, they were intended for making chef-in-the-boxes, and I couldnae betray my clan's trust like that. Speaking of those, one exploded last night, embedding a piece of shrapnel in my forehead. Don't you just hate it when you get shrapnel from an explosion embedded in your forehead? It's just so irritating, and it's always happening, you can never get away from it. In fact, if I had a penny for every time a piece of shrapnel from an explosion was embedded in my forehead, I'd have £4.63.
By the way, when I say the Knob Goblins are fast, I mean, they are fucking fast. For Nite's sake, they've got peregrine falcons for legs or something, I swear. Dear Johnson, just thinking about it makes me feel like I'm in some crazy-ass mofo timewarp where everybody except me is The Flash. They are really that fast. Really. Must be growing up in the...mud...and caves...which, naturally...makes them...okay, so I have no idea why they're that fast, they just are. Shut up, I'm not slow.
That raffle o'mine, it wasnae working out, so I got the raffle-guy to refund everybody's tickets. Bummer to me, aw. I was hoping to make a tidy profit, but tiny pieces of plastic made South of the Border for less than half a piece of meat aren't in as great demand as I thought.
And I'm still getting no love in the way of dry noodles from my clan members.

Still looking for those other people. Let's just assume I constantly am, from now on, until I say otherwise.


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