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Living la Vida Loathing

Life in the Kingdom

Monday, June 06, 2005


Yeah, I've been a little slack. Slack as in 'lazy and not posting', but several rolls in the hay, a large hangover, and a gigantic star in the shape of a number appearing in the sky, things have been a little hectic in Loathing.
First off: a roll in the hay is a type of drink, you dirty little bugger.
Second: drink = hangover.
Third: Yes, a new star appeared in the sky, so bright it is even visible by day, hanging over the bane of Loathing, the Tower of the Naughty Sorceress, who has been plagueing the land with such most terrible monstrosities as hippies, pirates and frat boys. The Naughty Sorceress is the source of everything terrible that has happened in the land, so the Council tells us. The number changes at midnight, so it's possible that it is the number of days until the Sorceress returns to her tower.

Well, my clan completely ignored the Feast of Boris last Saturday, the 7th of Boozember. They don't care a whole lot about their well-being. Ingrates. I kind of slept through most of the day yesterday, but I did get time to make my quota of dry noodles (this conjuring is strictly controlled by rules placed by the League of Chef-Magi in conjunction with the Council of Loathing, in order to prevent terrible things happening. Terrible things), so I could still make six chow meins today. I don't really think the clan really appreciates the value of the chow meins - despite being absolutely delicious, the give you plenty of energy for adventuring, and make you stronger. In fact, they're probably one of the most nutritious foods in the land, just behind ramen and ahead of lime pie. I slew some cans of asparagus (and tomato) today, searching for a stalk of asparagus for tofu chow meins (ugh, probably the exception in terms of taste, rather than the rule. Damn dirty hippies), which I was quite successful in. I also got some tofu from the hippy camp, and, my quest complete, made up some tofu and pr0n chow meins. All of which (save a single pr0n chow mein, which I needed for enough energy to stomach going into the sewer for spices) I deposited into my clan's stash of items. I'm so great and giving, I could compliment myself all day. Of course, up to this point, whenever I have said 'today' I have actually meant 'yesterday', as you do. From hereonin (not to be confused with heronin, a japanese warrior-dude who takes drugs), today will refer to today, OK?

Monday, Dougtember 1
Didn't do much today. Worked out at the gym.


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