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Living la Vida Loathing

Life in the Kingdom

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Update: No plunging for a while, and it's all Canada's fault.

Been thinking that perhaps I didn't make it clear in the last post that I wont actually be fighting the Sorceress for some time yet. Perhaps some of you got the impressioin I would be doing it today, or as soon as I got the chance or something similar. Yeah, no. I'm going to meditate some more. Meditate on meat, that is. Yeah, I want to pay off some debts before I go all or nothing. If I wind up dead, some skilled mystics could follow me into Valhalla and demand I pay them, which I won't be able to do, since I'll be dead. Not that I'm not confident I'll win. I'm just...not confident I'll win. Yeah.
Also, I've bought a display case at the Cannon Museum. Currently got some pants. Yep. Pants. It's pretty awesome.

By the way, I've been trying to find my way around this interweb thing. I figured since I'm trying to attract visitors to Loathing using it, I should know how to use it. I feel pretty confident in my abilities, and I rather like a fellow weblog, written by someone called Boingboing or some other ridiculous name. Seems a little silly if you ask me, but I came across this post just now. Not that I intend to regularly comment on stuff, but I say it's obviously all because of Canada.


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