Too Cool for Internet Explorer

Living la Vida Loathing

Life in the Kingdom

Friday, August 05, 2005


Yeah, I'm black. What is it, though, with me always commenting on the title of my post at the beginning of a post? Do I have no creative talent so I have to make up for it by sticking in as much filler as possible or something? Well, 100% of my readers (how many is that? Me? That sounds about right) would say otherwise, but from what I've seen of those readers (still me - you need to remember this bit to get the upcoming joke), the crowd I attract here doesn't seem to have much in the way of brains or taste. Might I just add, in case any of my readers misunderstood, that I am not really black. That was just in reference to the title.

The reason for such willy-nilly booyah-ing is the onset of a strategy for beating that consarned Sorceress. Plot holes. I hear they work great. I'll try them, when I have some time.

Without the title-commenting part, that post had plenty of substance, right? I don't need filler, right? Right?


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